Wednesday, June 10, 2009


"When one door closes another door opens;

but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us."

--Alexander Graham Bell--

On the same day that I took the peony pictures, I also captured our irises blooming in various stages.  

As much as I promise myself not to look at the closed doors, I so often catch myself doing so. I really hate when I get stuck in this place of looking at what I wish I had or what I thought I would have.  I seem to do so especially as my anniversary of getting sick approaches. Maybe I need to just accept this as part of the process and part of the experience of chronic illness?

Still, I'm listening and watching carefully to see what new doors are opening. I know they are there. I'm just waiting to discover them.



Photos:  Irises in our yard--closed; partially open; fully open.

1 comment:

Rachel Lundy said...

Beautiful pictures, as always! I love your flowrs.

I pray that you will find the right door opening for you.