Thursday, September 17, 2009

Christine, Missy and Apricot Butter

The other night I boldly posted on Facebook that I was feeling lonely. Christine responded with: "So when should Missy and I come over?"

Sometimes I'd rather be alone with my own feelings, my own loneliness, my own journey. I knew with Christine I wouldn't have to put on an act and I really wanted to see her and Missy before going back on the unmentionables. In person visits are always an extra treat and when things are going poorly, they happen rarely or not at all. I didn't know if I'd feel up to the visit, but Christine knew that I might have to cancel if the new med I started made me sick.

I first saw Christine in March, after we reconnected on Facebook after 14 years of being out of touch.

Christine arrived with an adorable pot of flowers (she's an observant soul and seems to know everything I like!) and Missy in tow.

I got a picture of Missy, but just as I went to take a picture of Christine with Missy the camera battery died!

The day before I was able to go to the Farmer's Market with Mom and pick out some goodies--including apricot butter which was divine! We had a simple lunch, heartfelt conversation, and lots of loves and smiles from Missy.

Thank you Christine for reaching out!

It's time now for me to spend a little time back in my little shell I think. I have some processing to do. Maybe that means I'll get back to blogging?



Photo: Missy, a little over a year old. My how she's grown since her last visit!

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