Monday, September 21, 2009


Catie, my 'new' massage therapist, brought these GORGEOUS fresh-cut sunflowers for me on Sunday when she came for my afternoon session. After Rebekah had Kale, I found Catie. Pretty good find, huh? :)

I have never seen sunflowers so beautiful. When you read this post (Tuesday) it will be the first day of Fall. Can you believe it?

Catie does Cranial-Sacral Therapy, something I've used in the past and am rediscovering now. Sleep is such a challenge for me and I never fall asleep on the massage table. Until Catie, that is. Now I fall asleep almost every week, then promptly crawl into bed for another two hour nap after she leaves. Amazing! It's a good way to start the week and spend a Sunday.

Now if only I could hold onto that level of relaxation all week, especially on Mondays. Today was an especially frustrating medical Monday.

Happy Fall!



Photos: Sunflowers from Catie

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I remember reading about c-s therapy when I was really sick. I think first in Spontaneous Healing by Weil. I am so glad you have a great therapist who can help your body to rest!