Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lyme Disease Awareness Car: Please Vote!

Today, I'd like to ask you to take a few seconds of your hump day to VOTE for the Lyme Disease Awareness Car. 

Doing so will take will take you less than ten seconds. You do not need to enter any personal information. Just go to this page and click VOTE. 

You can vote one time per day until May 1st. So, keep voting the rest of the week!

If our car wins, the design will be printed on a car in an upcoming NASCAR race! How cool is that? The winner will be announced in Charlotte, NC during Lyme Awareness month (May).

To read a bit more about this campaign and car please check out this short blog from CALDA (California Lyme Diseases Association of America).

The car is really cool.

Voting is a simple way for you to speak up for Lyme disease awareness. (The fact that the spellcheck in Blogger doesn't recognize Lyme as a word shows we have a long ways to go! :P)

Thank you in advance for voting! And thank you to all of you who have already been voting this week when I post the link on Facebook! I have rockin' friends and family!

(If you have little kids who love cars, they will probably like the Vrrooommmm noise and the spiffy car on the website!).



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