A dramatic tale of microbes, medicine and money, this eye-opening new film investigates the untold story of Lyme disease, an emerging epidemic larger than AIDS. Each year thousands go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, often told that their symptoms are "all in their head." Following the stories of patients and physicians as they battle for their lives and livelihoods, the film brings into focus a haunting picture of our health care system and its ability to cope with a silent terror under our skin.
--from the DVD jacket of Under Our Skin--

Before Carrie, Britt and David arrived, Mom and I watched the film. We were so impressed by it that I ordered another copy just for the purpose of 'renting' it to others.
The film has been the recipient of many awards, rightfully so. What made this film so worthwhile to us? It was the first time that we saw Lyme, in all it's aspects, presented so well. Producer Andy Abrahams Wilson captures all of the complexities of Lyme disease--the research (or lack thereof), the patient struggles, the perspectives of the medical community (those who treat Lyme and those who do not), the emergence of Lyme disease as a major health threat, the politics that dominate this disease, and the treatment available. Wilson packs this all into a 108 minute film while simultaneously doing it with beautiful filming and storytelling. Honestly, I learned more about Lyme from this film than I have from any other single source to date. Lyme is never boring in this film!
This film is not just 'other people's stories.' It's mine too. So much of the film was like hearing my own story mirrored back at me. The film was certainly sobering. I will not deny that. At the end, all I could think about was all of the politics involved in this disease. If we would focus on the patients and the illness, let those who desire to treat us do so in peace, and fund research, we would be so much farther along in helping people suffering from Lyme. Despite the fact that this is not an 'easy' film to watch, it was worth every minute of our energy. I am so grateful to the Turn the Corner Foundation and to Andy Abrahams Wilson for making this film.
I truly believe this film is a beginning. I believe the awareness it, along with the book Cure Unknown, are creating is the beginning of bringing legitimacy to, and ultimately an end to, Lyme disease. Wilson believes this too, as he verbalized in a powerful speech to the Turn the Corner Foundation.
Jeannine asked me how I felt the film would impact the Lyme community. I feel that Lyme is, right now, where breast cancer, AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and other illnesses have been in the past. Those of us with Lyme are waiting for the change that brought legitimacy to these other illnesses. I feel that this film is part of that awakening.
That is why I am so passionate about Under Our Skin and the potential it has to raise awareness. Do I question whether the awakening to Lyme disease and a better understanding of treatment will come too late for me? Yes, I do. But I also do not what any more people to have to endure in vain what so many of us already have. This is my commitment.
I made the decision to purchase another copy of Under Our Skin.
If you would like to see a clip of the film, I have embedded a link to a site called Snag Films on the top right hand side of my blog or you can simply click here.
To view the film on my blog:
First, you will need to scroll to the very bottom of my blog to the Playlist. You will need to Pause the Playlist, so that you will be able to listen to the film clip.
Next, go back up to the top of my blog. Click on the Snag Films icon to begin play. It will take you to the Snag Films website and begin playing a 13-minute clip of the film.
The film clip begins with a patient named Dana, whose first words speak so strongly to me. She was the person in the film with whom I most identified.
On the right hand side of my blog is also a link to the Under Our Skin Blog, which I have thoroughly enjoyed as it has continued to give updates on those featured in the film, what is happening in the Lyme community, and what is going on with the film.
I am not pressuring anyone to watch this film. I am simply responding to an interest expressed by friends and family in seeing this film. I am also following my passion to help spread awareness of Lyme disease. I also am just, in a way, sharing my story. Under Our Skin explains, better than I ever could, this thing we call Lyme disease.
If you would like to see the film, I have set up a system to mail it to you in an padded envelope. Inside the envelope, I will place the DVD inside another envelope--postage-paid and already addressed to mail back to me. It's not quite Netflix, but it's the best I can do! (Speaking of Netflix, I hope that Under Our Skin will eventually be available through Netflix--after it has been released in theaters and formatted into a DVD with extra features--but I am not sure when that will be. At this time, it looks like it may happen by late fall of this year, but so far most of the film releases have run behind schedule.)
I would love to share this beautiful, educational, and sobering film with you. It's not an 'easy' film to watch, so if you're super-squeamish about needles or such, you may want to either not watch the film or fast-forward through those parts!
All that I ask in return is that you follow a sort of 'Code of Responsibility' (a Davidson term here): I trust that you will watch the movie within a reasonable amount of time so that others may also get a chance to watch it. I trust that will you keep the movie safe and take good care of it while you have it. I cannot afford to buy more copies of the movie.
If you'd like to see the movie, simply post a comment, reply to the email in your inbox, or send me an email.
Thank you for letting me share my story, my life, my passion, and my journey with you.
P.S. I have embedded many links in this post so as not to make it too overwhelming. If you want more information on any of the topics for which I have created a hot link, there is much to be found!
Photos: From the Under Our Skin blog and website. The DVD cover and a basket full of Under Our Skin DVDs for the holidays.
Emily, this is so exciting! I would LOVE to watch that DVD. Please put me on the list! Thank you so much for generously sharing this with all of us.
Emily- Please put me on the list for the DVD!! I am eager to learn more about the journey you are on!
Thank you!!
I guess I should have signed that one- Emily Hilimire :)
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