On Sunday, we had a cold, but sunny day. Our neighbors (Anne, Scott, Alexandra, and Hunter) have a fenced in yard and have invited us to come over any time to use their yard and run Asher. Asher LOVES to go over to their house. Not only does he love them, but he loves the freedom of running in their yard without being hooked to the tie-out at our house. Anne and company were out of town for Thanksgiving, but we took advantage of using their yard on such a beautiful day. Asher wasn't sure what to think, as he kept running up to their front door looking for them (and perhaps looking for that signature bowl of water they always bring to him). He pulled the whole way to their house and was soooo excited to run.
For me, it was so healing. I have been herxing so badly and have been feeling that this herx would never end. It's still kicking my butt and I'm frustrated. I'm tired and cranky and sick of feeling like CRAP (and CRAP in this case does not stand for Anne's delicious CRanberry APplesauce). But, I'm at least getting back to blogging a bit and I got outside in the sunshine. This blog isn't all about Asher--the joyfullness in him and his freedom to run in their yard is how I felt being with him and being able to get out of the house. He's so healing for me (when he's behaving that is!) and he motivates me to get outside even if just to walk to the mailbox or throw the ring for a few minutes on the days that I am able.
Oh, to find such joy in the simple things. He has so many 'outside toys' to choose from, but he only likes his tennis ball ring. :) I tried taking a little video and downloading it onto the blog, so we'll see if it works. By the time I thought to take the video Asher was getting pretty pooped out!
Erika, these pictures are especially for you. ((((HUGS)))).
For me, it was so healing. I have been herxing so badly and have been feeling that this herx would never end. It's still kicking my butt and I'm frustrated. I'm tired and cranky and sick of feeling like CRAP (and CRAP in this case does not stand for Anne's delicious CRanberry APplesauce). But, I'm at least getting back to blogging a bit and I got outside in the sunshine. This blog isn't all about Asher--the joyfullness in him and his freedom to run in their yard is how I felt being with him and being able to get out of the house. He's so healing for me (when he's behaving that is!) and he motivates me to get outside even if just to walk to the mailbox or throw the ring for a few minutes on the days that I am able.
Oh, to find such joy in the simple things. He has so many 'outside toys' to choose from, but he only likes his tennis ball ring. :) I tried taking a little video and downloading it onto the blog, so we'll see if it works. By the time I thought to take the video Asher was getting pretty pooped out!
Erika, these pictures are especially for you. ((((HUGS)))).

I'm ready! Throw me the ring will you?
This is my favorite toy EVER. And I NEVER tire of it.
(I don't care if it's falling apart.)

Aahhh, the freedom to run and the feel of the wind in my hair!

Thank you for the sunshine and this wonderful yard.
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