Here it is Uncle Stan! I am sorry it has taken me so long to get this post up. Oh, and by the way, YOU told me to title my post "Crazy Uncle"!
As you can tell, I really like visitors! And, I'm a bit behind on blogging about them--so I figured I'd better get on it and finish blogging about this year's visitors before the holidays and a new year arrive!
Uncle Stan came to visit August 6Th through the 8Th. Diane and Michael were actually also supposed to visit then too (because he was staying with them for part of the week also), but I wasn't up for that many visitors at the time due to another one of my med disasters (this time around it was the neurontin).
I had not seen Uncle Stan for five years, so I was very excited to see him. It was different too, because without Aunti Vicki here it was the first time I had really spent any one on one time with my Uncle in my whole life. Sadly, I haven't spent as much time with my mom's side of the family over the years as I wish I would have. And now, I can't...so that makes me sad. I missed being able to visit Vicki before she died, going to her funeral, and going to my cousin Stephen's wedding. Obviously, we can't make up for lost time but I've enjoyed getting to know my family better.
My mom's side of the family consists of her brother, Stan and his two children Stephen and Dana (both of whom are each at least 8 years older than I am). Stan is 13 years my mom's senior. So, he really, really, really likes to pick on his 'little sister' even after all of these years. I like to pick on them both because they are becoming more and more like my grandmother every year (that means curmudgeon for you Uncle Stan, and you know it!). They are even starting to look like her! Oh, did I have fun teasing them. I suppose it will all come back to bite me one of these days when I realize I look just like her too? I hope I don't turn into a grumpy old lady though like she did! Oh my!
The rest of our family includes Vicki and my grandma--who died just one year apart from each other, Stephen's wife Beth (whom I haven't even met yet!), and Diane and Michael. This is much easier to keep track of than my Dad's side, which I think includes over 140 members if you include aunts, uncles, cousins, my cousins' kiddos and everyone's spouses! We don't require a family newsletter on my mom's side!
I've been noodging Uncle Stan to come for a visit for a while now, so I suppose he finally caved in. I kept saying, "So, when are you going to come for a visit?" I can be a bit of a pain sometimes (okay, there I am turning into Grandma Helen).
Right before his visit he fell and broke his wrist and almost didn't make it here! (I don't know what it is with this side of the family injuring themselves). We had a very quiet, relaxing visit in which I felt for the first time that I really got to know my uncle better. He isn't much for talking on the phone.

"Uncle" as he calls himself (he doesn't sign his name, just "uncle"), brought me four new CDs (ah, yes, the way to my heart)--Lee Konitz, Stan Getz, Joshua Redman, and Brad Meldhau. I used to play saxophone, so he bought the first three as an education in saxophonists and the progression of jazz over the years. All of the CDs are mellow--as I don't care for the 'heavier' stuff in jazz. Brad Meldhau is one of Uncle Stan's favorite jazz pianists, so he threw that one in for a bonus! I have really enjoyed all four of the CDs, and especially enjoyed the fact that Uncle Stan taught me so much about the artists and why he chose each of the CDs. That is what makes music so special to me--sharing it with others and learning about it from others.

It is now Monday the 26Th of November, and I started this entry over two weeks ago. When I started it on Sunday, I did not realized that I was typing all about Uncle Stan and he was in the ER the whole time. I was hoping to get this done in time for his homecoming from the hospital. I didn't, and now he is back in the hospital AGAIN and the doctors cannot figure out what is going on. They're just shaking their heads in bewilderment. I told him one mystery illness in the family was enough. I can hear Grandma Helen saying "Knock it off already, will you?" Haha!
Anyways, I hope that he will get to see this blog soon and that when he does, he'll be feeling back to his old self again--back to doing the things he loves (and of course full of himself too!).

Lots of love to you from across the miles "Crazy Uncle"--you WILL be crazy if you are in that hospital much longer, eh?

Lots of love to you from across the miles "Crazy Uncle"--you WILL be crazy if you are in that hospital much longer, eh?
Photos: Sister Renee and Brother Stan. Do you think they look alike???; Uncle Stan sporting a PINK shirt and a broken wrist--he has a look on his face that reminds me so much of Grandma Helen here. And, if he could punch me right now from his hospital bed he just might for me saying this!; Me and 'Uncle'; Mom and me.
Photos: Sister Renee and Brother Stan. Do you think they look alike???; Uncle Stan sporting a PINK shirt and a broken wrist--he has a look on his face that reminds me so much of Grandma Helen here. And, if he could punch me right now from his hospital bed he just might for me saying this!; Me and 'Uncle'; Mom and me.
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