Friday, November 08, 2013

Mini-Reunion: Mags, Kurt and Miss Pants

15 Year Reunion Brochure

You may remember how sad I was when reunion materials began arriving in our mailbox. My last summer mini-reunion was with Margaret, her husband Kurt, and their daughter Ada. Thanks to FB and texting, Mags and I have been able to cultivate a deeper friendship than we had while we were at Davidson.

Meet Ada (aka Miss Adapants or Miss Pants)

The last time Kurt and Margaret visited this little one was still a little lentil in Margaret's belly. This time they arrived over Labor Day weekend.

Margaret, Me, Kurt
Ada, Tovah, Gershwin

Margaret and Kurt have gone out of their way to make the journey to PA. I loved getting to meet Miss Ada, who is one of the easiest going toddlers ever! :)

Mama Mags and Miss Pants

Margaret and Kurt just go with the flow when it comes to my schedule, and Kurt is always ready to help with a household chore!

We were able to enjoy afternoon time together, a dinner on the patio, a long girl-time chat after Ada and  Kurt hit the sack, and lunch the following day. 

We tried really hard to get a photo of the six of us all looking at the camera at the same time! :)

I can't wait for the next time Kurt, Mags and Adapants make a detour our way. 



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