Sunday, May 01, 2011


LOTS of dandelions.

"Make hay when the sun is shining" is definitely a favorite phrase of Mom's. When I woke up on Saturday and asked for a 'weather report', Mom said it was 'perfect' outside. 

I had just written my blog post on loss of freedom and finding ways to make choices within my constraints. On Saturday, I felt that I got to freely choose some things during the day that made me happy. I decided it was most important to enjoy the beautiful weather (of which we haven't had much!).

We quickly made some sandwiches and headed to a little park that is just five minutes away, where we had a picnic lunch and Mom pushed me for a short ride in the Rolls.

Asher was very excited about the outing too!

I think Asher can be so clown-like, so I like this photo of him with his tongue hanging out. He might not think it is the best of the photos I got that day, though.

Barn and community garden located in the park.

Lots of people were out in the community garden planting. 

Mom and I rarely take a day just to 'have fun'. (Neither of us is very good at 'fun' these days.) We spent the afternoon outside and that evening we had Thai food delivered. I took a bath and watched part of a movie. Mom pretty much never takes a night off from cooking and we rarely take a whole day to just relax. 

I did pay a price with autonomic symptoms in the afternoon, but overall the day was a happy one. I felt a lot of freedom in my choice to enjoy the beautiful day, spend time with Mom, and ditch the to-do list. We had our own little Staycation.



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