Sunday, February 02, 2014

Monday Dog Blog: Super Bowl Conversation

Note: if you're receiving this in email, you'll need click over to my actual blog to view the video at the end of the post…

Bread and Chèvre? I Should Get In Trouble More Often!

These little ones keep us on our toes. Tovah Rose Trouble is a scavenger. I'm embarrassed to admit how many times I have called the emergency vet service because of something she has eaten. This week it was an emery board. Honestly, I think she mostly just chewed on it but I was nervous about the sharp edges.

Our Little Trouble Maker

The advice from the on call vet? Feed her a piece of bread to coat her GI tract and keep the sharp edges from causing her any pain. In trying to keep my sense of humor about my parenting fail, I took a photo of her enjoying her slice of local artisan bread and local goat chèvre. Clearly, she is just fine. But I fear Dayle may be a little nervous that I am this girl's mommy.

Settled In For A Nap

Goofy Gershwin somehow finds this comfortable and can even fall asleep with his nose sticking out of his crate.

Sweet Boy

I also continue to admire his ability to chillax at the end of a long, hard day of chasing cars, trucks and people; eating hearty meals; playing fierce games with his sister; and sitting on laps for pets.

At Least He Doesn't Snore!

He even falls asleep with his mouth open!

I Think I'd Like G's Crate Tonight

Last night, Tovah Rose took Gershwin's crate in the bedroom. Gershwin was confused, but decided to just settle in on Asher's brown bed. Had it been the other way around, Tovah would have given Gershwin what for. When it comes to sharing, Tovah expects Gershwin to share, but she expects that she need NOT share!

Asher didn't visit this weekend, so I don't have any new pics, but daily check-ins with Dad let me know that Asher is doing well--blocking Dad's path in and out of the study or bedroom, going outside to eat snow and then coming in to beg for a treat, asking to play (!!!), and otherwise content.

I will leave you with a lively conversation held regarding the Super Bowl tonight. I'm not clear on what Tovah and Gershwin are discussing here, but clearly it's very important. Such 'discussions' take place several times a day in our house--and at least once when I am trying to sleep! We want to know where Gershwin got his 'girl' bark? We wonder if his littermate, Buddha, barks like this?!

Happy Monday!




Ellen said...

The other day I heard crunching and turned around and saw my cat eating a piece of popcorn. I thought, "That's weird. We haven't had popcorn in a few weeks, but I guess a piece ended up on the floor." I went back to what I was doing. A few minutes later I heard more crunching. He was finishing up another piece of popcorn. "Where is he FINDING those?" I thought, just as he trotted over to an empty shipping box with packing styrofoam in it, and started to take another piece. So I freaked out of course.

What possessed him? I have no idea. Pets make weird decisions. :)

Rachel Lundy said...

That is so funny that Gershwin can sleep with his nose sticking out of his crate like that! It looks so uncomfortable!