I'm honestly completely overwhelmed and I want to thank you for taking the time to subscribe and read. I was most especially overwhelmed by the response to my Ambien post. WOW did this evoke emotions that I never anticipated.
I wish I had been out to take some pictures of the pretty flowers for this post. Maybe I will add one later. Like I'm sending you a flower for your efforts.
When Tess thanked me in her blog for my great effort...I thought, NOW it is my turn to THANK YOU for your great effort!
I am humbled, gratified and nourished by the act of writing itself and by the knowledge that my writing matters and is connecting me to those I love. Thank you.
An important note to subscribers:
My friend, Sarah, was here visiting this weekend (blog to follow at some point of course...I'm waaaaaaaaay behind). She noted that when you receive the email notification from Feedburner there is not a 'link' to go directly to my blog.
This has also created problems for those wanting to leave comments, rather than send an email.
As it turns out, after a bit of experimenting, you CAN link directly to my blog from the email. At the top of the email you receive it will say 'Dancing Light's Studio Notes' in BLUE and be underlined. Simply 'click' here and it will take you directly to my blog where you can leave a comment.
Also, at the very bottom of the email from Feedburner in fine print (and also in blue) it says Dancing Light's Studio Notes (prefaced by You are subscribed to or something like that) and you can also click here to go to the blog.
Many of you attempted to leave comments or had trouble getting to the blog, and hit 'reply' to the topic so I received your emails. I pasted them all into the 'comments' section on Ambien. IF any of you do not feel comfortable with what you wrote being posted on my blog, please let me know and I will remove it. I posted them because I was so moved by the common passion you all shared.
Lastly, for those of you struggling to leave a comment (j, we'll try to get you to post in the right place this time around. lol): At the bottom of each post it says in teeny tiny print (or larger print if you've linked from Feedburner) either 'Comments' or 'Post a comment'.
Click here.
Then, a section will come up to post a comment.
Write your comment.
You will be asked to choose an identity (if you don't have a google account). Choose either 'Other' or 'Anonymous'. If you choose 'Other', you can enter in your first name.
Then, click on the box that says, 'Publish Comment'.
You will then be asked to type in a 'security' code of goofy letters and numbers. Do this, and then you hit whatever it says (I forget right now).
And, VOILA you're comment has been published for all to see! And you will be so proud of yourself!
Again, mucho thanks for reading and responding. I'm overwhelmed by your kindness, passion, and support.
Also, please remember that the topics will vary a LOT in frequency and what you might be interested in....so just ignore the ones in which you are not interested. I'm a bit 'Blogger Happy' right now as my friend, Marla, says. I'm trying to hold back and not overwhelm you and end up with everyone 'unsubscribing'! It's like the floodgates have opened after all this time waiting to get back to writing again.
I'm honestly completely overwhelmed and I want to thank you for taking the time to subscribe and read. I was most especially overwhelmed by the response to my Ambien post. WOW did this evoke emotions that I never anticipated.
I wish I had been out to take some pictures of the pretty flowers for this post. Maybe I will add one later. Like I'm sending you a flower for your efforts.
When Tess thanked me in her blog for my great effort...I thought, NOW it is my turn to THANK YOU for your great effort!
I am humbled, gratified and nourished by the act of writing itself and by the knowledge that my writing matters and is connecting me to those I love. Thank you.
An important note to subscribers:
My friend, Sarah, was here visiting this weekend (blog to follow at some point of course...I'm waaaaaaaaay behind). She noted that when you receive the email notification from Feedburner there is not a 'link' to go directly to my blog.
This has also created problems for those wanting to leave comments, rather than send an email.
As it turns out, after a bit of experimenting, you CAN link directly to my blog from the email. At the top of the email you receive it will say 'Dancing Light's Studio Notes' in BLUE and be underlined. Simply 'click' here and it will take you directly to my blog where you can leave a comment.
Also, at the very bottom of the email from Feedburner in fine print (and also in blue) it says Dancing Light's Studio Notes (prefaced by You are subscribed to or something like that) and you can also click here to go to the blog.
Many of you attempted to leave comments or had trouble getting to the blog, and hit 'reply' to the topic so I received your emails. I pasted them all into the 'comments' section on Ambien. IF any of you do not feel comfortable with what you wrote being posted on my blog, please let me know and I will remove it. I posted them because I was so moved by the common passion you all shared.
Lastly, for those of you struggling to leave a comment (j, we'll try to get you to post in the right place this time around. lol): At the bottom of each post it says in teeny tiny print (or larger print if you've linked from Feedburner) either 'Comments' or 'Post a comment'.
Click here.
Then, a section will come up to post a comment.
Write your comment.
You will be asked to choose an identity (if you don't have a google account). Choose either 'Other' or 'Anonymous'. If you choose 'Other', you can enter in your first name.
Then, click on the box that says, 'Publish Comment'.
You will then be asked to type in a 'security' code of goofy letters and numbers. Do this, and then you hit whatever it says (I forget right now).
And, VOILA you're comment has been published for all to see! And you will be so proud of yourself!
Again, mucho thanks for reading and responding. I'm overwhelmed by your kindness, passion, and support.
Also, please remember that the topics will vary a LOT in frequency and what you might be interested in....so just ignore the ones in which you are not interested. I'm a bit 'Blogger Happy' right now as my friend, Marla, says. I'm trying to hold back and not overwhelm you and end up with everyone 'unsubscribing'! It's like the floodgates have opened after all this time waiting to get back to writing again.
Photo: Flowers for you! I got out today (July 20th) to take some pictures around the yard, so now this entry is complete with photo and flowers! :)
1 comment:
Hey Emily...great work with your blog..I'm VERY impressed! I'm so glad to hear that you've been feeling a bit better lately..I know how fulfilling those seemingly small victories are. So many of the things you discuss ring true in my life too, it's uncanny. Take care Em! OH, and your hair looks fabulous!:)
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