Our neighbors, Anne, her husband, Scott, and their children Alexandra and Hunter have recently become closer and closer to us. Anne knows my 'awake' times, she senses when I don't feel well and need a rest, she helps us with Asher, she has the greatest dry sense of humor, and she even walks in the door without knocking! Now that's what I call a true neighbor. It's wonderful! Alexandra gives me lots of love and will get a post of her own with cute pics! This family is a true blessing in our lives.
Oh, but this blog entry is about Asher, right? So, on with it. Here's a picture of him with Anne on his way back from school. I'm sure he'll be as excited as Alexandra is when school is back in session this fall!

Now onto the REAL school that Asher attends.
As many of you know, Asher has extreme anxiety surrounding my illness. His incessant barking, and sometimes almost aggressive behavior towards caregivers or those who try to enter my room, became increasingly worse after the trauma of my Gallbladder surgery in January 2005. Asher saw the ambulances, the IV poles, heard the cries for help over the intercom in the middle of the night and he became, on a new level, my protector. But, instead of knowing how to protect in a helpful way, it manifested as uncontrollable anxiety.
Despite trying various trainers, training techniques (from a citronella bark collar to reward-based training to Tabasco sauce to coins in a can and even several medications, including Prozac (!!)), we had gotten to a point of wondering whether or not we would be able to keep Asher. We have had him for over five years now, so making this decision is heartbreaking.
We have been given many different opinions on what to do. Currently, we are using a trainer who came highly recommended to us. People said to us, "Don't give up on him until you see John." So, that is what we did, and that is what we are doing.
John uses the 'old-fashioned' method of training--meaning the 'ol choke chain and no treats method. At first, when I saw him choke Asher to get him out of a state of panic I thought I was going to throw-up and burst into tears all at the same time. We have been told over and over, however, that what we are doing is NOT cruel. It's hard and difficult work, and Mom has to do most of it.
But, if we can keep him, it will be worth it. Every penny of it.
When my mom first met with John and talked about Asher, John assured her that he COULD stay with us. We will have to work hard and be diligent. He can learn to change his 'job description' and be a protector in a more healthy and less stressful way.
He's improving every day. And backsliding some days too. (Which is sounding vaguely familiar to my friend, Marla's, accounts of potty-training her three-year old!)
The other day when my friend Angela was here to visit she got up and saw Asher calmly resting outside with mom. He did not bark or jump up on her. Ang is NOT a dog person, yet she burst out, 'He's so cute!' I said, 'Did you just say that?' And she said, 'Well, he's usually jumping up and down and so wild that I can't even see what he really looks like. But he's really cute!' So, I guess we're getting there bit by bit.
John said that a price cannot be put on the bond that Asher and I have. He is right. And I pray that we will be able to keep this dog, whom Anne has nicknamed 'Goofy Doofy'.
Photos: Asher wearing his 'School visitor' sticker and waiting for Anne to arrive. She didn't come that day though! Anne returning from school with Asher.
Oh - I am so glad to hear how Asher is doing! I was worried cause you hadn't talked much about him lately!
Can't wait to see the pics of and read the post about Alexandra!
I am so sorry...this whole sitaution stinks. You deserve better as do all ill individuals. Bravo to you for fighting the good fight! If name calling will help...I vote for 'egg sucking leaches!'
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