Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Goodbye, Port! (Post-Surgery Check-in)...

The port is OUT! 

Surgery went very well. Super, in fact.

I even got to see the port before they readied it to send off to the lab for testing. The experience with the staff was a positive one from start to finish. They sure do like to kick you out of there though before you are barely even awake! I didn't even feel nervous this go around.

Recovery has been a bit rougher than we expected. 

I would say that 2 Versed + Fentynal + Propofal + Cipro + 12 hours without fluids + an incision on my upper left chest + multiple stitches = a very dizzy, weak and uncomfortable Emily. So, basically, if this post makes no sense, I blame it on the drugs! 

I am not a big fan of days during which it is difficult to sleep, but I'm too tired and sick to watch TV or 'do' anything.  I also did not think about how difficult it was going to be not being able to sleep on my left side for a while again. 

I was finally feeling well enough to pop online long enough to check in with a quick update. My discharge papers say I can't go back to work for another week (???) or lift Asher for a week :( (this is a hard one since he can't jump up on the bed right now!).

Thank you all for your good thoughts, prayers, FB posts, texts, and emails! You all rock!!!!!! 

Hopefully by the time you are reading this on Wednesday morning, I will have started to detox from all of the sedation and be feeling a LOT better. Hopefully Mom will also be feeling some serious pain relief after her long-acting epidural injection in the morning. 

We have a fresh pot of homemade chicken noodle soup/Jewish Penicillin that Mom made to help us both heal.




magpie said...

Glad you're in recovery mode, Emily! Sending you healing thoughts and hugs from here.

Emily said...

I hope you do start feeling better today, friend!!

Katherine said...

So glad it is out and went well. Recovery can be tough for anyone. Take it easy on yourself. hope you start feeling better soon.