Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Here are the results of my first hair cut in three months, which I got last Friday...

This is only my second time seeing this new hairdresser. I went in and let her do whatever it was that she wanted to do with my hair.  She knew that I have to take a bath at night, spritz it with water in the morning, scrunch it and leave it go. No hair dryer. Only wash it every other day. Need to go long periods without being able to get a hair cut. Some days I have energy to add product, while other days I do not. 

To cut my hair well, especially with these restrictions, is no easy task! I thought she did an amazing job. Now, if only my hair was still blonde. *sigh*.

I also love that this salon uses the most earth-friendly and organic products as possible. Leaves my body with a few less toxins to fight.

I was so proud of myself for making it out of the house for a haircut. I think I forgot to put deodorant on, but otherwise, I was pretty impressed with myself for getting out of my PJs and putting make-up on! :)

The result: A happy me. And CURLS UNLEASHED! I am loving my new 'do. Amazing how much a hair cut can lift a weary spirit.



Photos:  Good thing Catie stopped in to walk Asher just when our neighbor brought me home. I had her snap a few photos! :)

1 comment:

magpie said...

You look beautiful.