I know when my mom bought the holder for me (above) she didn't think I'd really stick with the program for 9 years. But I did. Okay, well, she helped me out a lot because she is the one who brought most of the quarters home for me over the past few years.
And tonight she brought home the very last quarter that I needed to complete my set of fifty.
It was Hawaii, which made it even more special because we all have President-elect Obama's inauguration on our minds. It seemed fitting--a reminder that endings always bring beginnings.
I had a lot of fun collecting these quarters over the past several years and I'm honestly kind of sad that it's over. It was a great way to learn about the states (and learn how pathetic I am at geography). According to NPR, these quarters have been a huge success and many more people than they ever expected collected them and learned about the states.
What shall I start collecting next? Er, maybe I should be thinking about getting rid of things next! At least the quarter collection is neat, tidy, and takes up virtually NO space!
We started the map too. Then my step dad purchased quarters in "mint" condition... for each year. So I stop. However, the last set I have is 2003. Um.... I guess I better check to see if he still did that for my girls!
We've been collecting them, but we're behind. I didn't even know that it was over. I'll have to go see if the Mint's website shows what the new quarter is going to look like.
I was cleaning out my inbox and found this blog post. I meant to comment a month ago, but.... you know how it goes!
Anyway, yes, I have been collecting the quarters! I'm still missing a few, though. We actually have 5 books that we are filling. One for us, one for William, and three just in case we ever have more children or grandchildren. :)
Yeah, I'm a sentimental packrat. I can't just collect one book of quarters. I have to collect five.
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