I've been emailing back and forth with my ANS doctor a lot lately. Right before the holidays, he wrote the following sentence at the end of his email to me:
I hope the holidays go well for you and that 2009 brings as much hope at the medical level as at the political one!
I couldn't have put my hopes for the new year into words any better.
At the end of 2008, I really wanted to find a way to 'push back' the upcoming new year. I'm just not ready for a new year. Since it's going to be 2009 one way or the other, I'm trying to hope that 2009 is going to be what my ANS doctor has said.
Here's wishing you whatever it is you need and want in 2009, whether it be peace, love, joy, happiness or healing. This is my wish for YOU.
Much love, blessings, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Photo: Peony in our yard this summer. Did I already post this picture at some point? I lost all of that stuff in my computer transfer! Oops!
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