Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hip Hip Hooray! Home Care!

I finally have some news on the home care front, and it's good news!

I received a call today from my home care nurse that MA approved the next three weeks worth of visits!

After that, MA requires weekly or bi-weekly pre-authorization of visits so we will always be a bit up in the air as to whether or not visits will continue to be approved, but for now we are CELEBRATING!

My nurse, Jess, came yesterday even though the visits had yet to be approved. It was a good way to mark the completion of 35 weeks of treatment!

We have a fantastic packet of information that we worked tirelessly to compile. Hopefully the letters from myself, Dr. ANS, Dr. Lyme, and the journal articles will continue to be 'enough' for MA to approve visits. At this point, the folks at home nursing take care of all of the issues with MA, so Jess said to me today: "It's my job to worry about this now. It's my job to take care of it."

Do you know how wonderful it is to hear those kind of words? For the past few weeks all I've done is micromanage my health care. It's been too much for me emotionally and physically. Just to have Jess 'get' how much work these things take, and pick up the slack means so much! My PCPs office really poked along on the home care process, so that is why it has taken me so long to have any news.

I am so happy and so relieved.  Having Jess here yesterday reminded me of all the things I love about home care. Safe. Sterile. Comfortable. Consistent. I no longer have to worry about how long I might have to sit upright waiting for an appointment, whether the 'good' nurses are there that day, whether I might pick up an additional 'bug' or infection, whether the port change will truly be done in a sterile manner, whether my blood work will have been called from one location to another, how long I'll have to wait for the pharmacy to have the Rocephin ready, and so on.

Home care requires so much less emotional and physical energy and so much less micromanaging of medical details. If something hasn't been taken care of that needs to be, then Jess will just pick up the phone and get it done. 

It also means that the same person sees my port site every week, monitors my BP and vital signs, and someone is always available through home nursing if questions, concerns or problems arise (and I have had to use this in the past).

If for any reason home care would not continue to be approved, we will likely work with the home care agency to negotiate a possible price to continue visits as an out of pocket expense. They are a non-profit agency and willing to do such a thing. We hope, however, that we will not have to do this but it is an option.  

Just wanted to share my relief, excitement and gratitude with you all! Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers during this process. And thank you for 'getting' how hard things have been since I lost home care.

I'm feeling ready to blog again. I've missed it.




K said...

Hooray!! I like this. Is there a 'like' button? :)

Katherine said...

Oh such a relief.

SR said...

This is fantastic news Emily! :-)

DizzyGirl said...

I am so very happy for you emily and relieved! heres to peace of mind hun!!