I was able to spend a little under two hours at Dad and Abbie's house this afternoon. More pictures (of the human beings present) to follow! I'm taking a holiday break myself right now and focusing on fun, fluffy and happy blogs. So, today's Christmas joy was an outing to Dad and Abbie's. Asher provided the entertainment. Here he is shredding the paper all over the floor!
He is so tuckered out here that he didn't even try to play with the toys when I tossed them towards him.
Tonight he's been more exhausted than Mom and I have seen him in ages. After dinner, I sent him outside only to find him lying on the cold concrete porch--not having the energy to go walk out far enough to piddle. Tonight, he's been snoring away on my bed.
We're both completely and totally exhausted from our outing.
Wishing you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS. I hope that you had a beautiful, peaceful, and joyful holiday.
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