Aaah, nothing like the mountains and valleys of Pennsylvania.
Here are a few pictures of the view out at D and A's house. This first picture is of the golf course, which they can see from the backyard and living room. We had a couple of warm days (before the Easter snow!) and the golfers were already out!

Dad and Abbie have a ranch house which is built on a very sloped lot. So even though I was staying in the basement, this is still the view I had of the surroundings. The basement has sliding doors which open out on to a patio and in to the backyard. This picture is a more of a panoramic view (golf course on the right).
The ski slopes, as seen from their house. And, which I have never skied on in my life!
I love how quiet it is out where D and A live. I also love being able to see the mountains so well. Although, I don't like that all of the farmland around here is quickly disappearing in favor of new housing developments. Our house used to be surrounded by cornfields on all sides and our view of the mountains and sunsets unobstructed. I know, I know, I sound like a little old lady, but I really miss 'the way it was.'
Dad and Asher hanging out in the backyard. When Asher is lucky (and no other dogs or traffic are in sight) he gets to run loose in the yard, which he loves! And of course, he likes to leave his toy at the bottom of the sloped yard for Dad to go chasing after.
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