We did it! Now with 25 straight wins, the longest in the NCAA right now, Davidson advances to the Elite Eight to play Kansas on Sunday.
Final Score: Davidson 73, Wisconsin 56
Quite frankly, we seemed to glide through this game easier than we did against Gonzaga or Georgetown. Still, Mom and I were cheering and whooping and hollering and on the edge of our seats--especially for the entire first half when the score stayed especially close, ending the half tied. This team is so much fun to watch! (Although Asher didn't seem to notice or chip in to cheer.) What makes them so fun to watch is the great coaching, the 'smart' ball-playing, and the great teamwork.
Why can't I stop writing about Davidson basketball? Because, for me, it's not just about basketball. So far this year, I've felt exceptionally blue. Watching the basketball games has filled me with so much joy. I was able to watch the Georgetown game with Dad, bringing back memories of going to basketball games with him starting in fourth grade when he first introduced me to the sport. Oh how many women's basketball games we've been to together over the years--not to mention the games of HORSE we played and those darned Hoop Shoot contests he entered me in. I love listening to his running commentary! Tonight, I was able to watch the Davidson game in its entirety with Mom. After the game tonight, I recalled feeling this excited and engaged as a child attending basketball games.
JOY. Let me say that again. JOY! I have not felt much joy of late. I'm not sure why it's taken a Davidson basketball team in the NCAA tournament to give me a bit of joy, but it has. That's why I'm so busy writing about Davidson and not all of the health issues weighing on my mind. Sometimes I forget the gift of a little fun and escapism. Thank you Davidson Wildcats for giving me something to feel good about!
Game Day Highlights:
1. The sportscaster made a comment in regards to phenomenal player, Stephen Curry--the player with the softest shot (and a baby face to go with it!):
"When you run into hot Curry you get burned." Not quite the same as Dr. ANS's comment, "Would you like some Curry with that dish?" but certainly equally as funny.
2. Carrie's voicemail message after the game:
"Oh my gosh I almost went into labor. And then I almost had a heart attack during that game. That was amazing. I cannot believe...I cannot believe it. And that's the first game I've actually seen. That Stephen Curry is amazing. Amazing! Proud to be a Davidson grad today. Hope you are too."
It is important to note here Carrie's Wisconsin accent as well as her theatrics (Miss Yale School of Drama), which both culminated to make this message extra-hilarious. Poor, poor Britt. Britt--it's a good thing you didn't wager too much. Or did you wager your pride and self-worth? Carrie was quite torn between WI and Davidson.
3. I called the Davidson bookstore today to order Sweet Sixteen T-shirts in RED (great for us pale folk). I spoke with an older woman working there, who despite how overwhelmed she was, treated me with that gracious Southern hospitality and that sense that she was not at all in a hurry. (The Davidson bookstore averages $1700 in sales a day (equal to the number of students on campus!). When Sweet Sixteen T-shirts went on sale March 26th they had $35,000 in sales in one day. When I asked her if Davidson had cancelled classes today (since so many students had gone to Detroit for the game) she said, "Oh no! The president was on national television today saying that we wouldn't be cancelling classes and wouldn't be known as that type of school." Oh good grief! I think it takes an ice storm to get them to cancel--and maybe not even then!
I have 'justified' this ridiculous expenditure on T-shirts by noting that I have not purchased any Davidson 'gear' since before college graduation 10 years ago. The shirt I'm wearing today? It's been handed over to Mom. And it's now 14 years old--the very first Davidson shirt I ever owned which we received on our first day as incoming freshman. It's still HUGE, so it must not have been sent through that Davidson laundry service that all of the commentators and journalists can't get enough of. Do they know that everything is washed in HOT and dried on HOT? There are many pants I never fit into again after a trip through that laundry service! It's good for sheets and towels and that's about it!
4. I was able to watch the game from start to finish without going into an absolute ANS spell. I didn't feel great, but I DID it. And I tell you, my adrenaline was going like crazy the whole time. It was so much fun! I'm so grateful I got to watch this game the whole way through without having to stop because I felt too sick. I've not been able to sit in my recliner in the living room and do this for over 3 years. Hurray! Now, whether or not I will sleep tonight or how I will feel tomorrow is a completely different scenario!
It's a Great Day to Be a Wildcat!!!
(I like this slogan, but the shirt it was on was white. UGH!)
Next Game:
Davidson vs. Kansas
Detroit, MI
Sunday March 30, 2008
5:05 PM
A very happy Wildcat,
Photo: Until 'new' Davidson gear arrives--this is the best I could do! I think I will ask for a sweatshirt as a birthday gift this year! :)
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