Hey! Good morning!
It's Gershwin here.
Since it's the Monday after a holiday weekend, most of you probably would have preferred to stay in bed this morning, no?
I don't mean to rub it in or anything, but as a dog, I get to nap whenever I want. And napping is what I do best.
I am here with my best tips for my fellow doggy friends.
If you can find someone to cuddle with you, that is the ideal napping condition.
I can fall asleep in about 15 seconds.
Make your human pet you and don't let her move once you are all settled in for your nap.
Maybe she will stay home from work just to pet you and snuggle with you.
Recliners are super comfy to snuggle in too. We often nap with Mommy in hers.
Make sure to find yourself a good pillow.
And find just the right spot for YOU. Tovah has a little different napping style.
If you feel a little chilly, just grab one of the blankets from your Mommy, like Tovah did here.
Take over the sofa.
It was made for you, not your people.
If you have a brother or sister, you can nap together.
Or kick your sister off of the sofa and make her sleep in the DOG beds.
Add a nice cushy stuffed animal to your nap if you'd like. Tovah does.
No matter what, make sure you are napping with just the right combination of style and comfort.
To my human readers: I hope I at least made you smile today!
Happy Monday!
Gershwin (Expert Napper)
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