Monday, March 16, 2015

Girl Time with Loralea!

One of the highlights of being at the beach for six weeks two years in a row has been being able to see Loralea two years in a row! 

I have written extensively on my blog about Loralea, so I'll keep this short.

I'll just say how ABSOLUTELY FANTABULOUS it was to see her for the day on Saturday.

Loralea arrived Saturday afternoon and left Sunday morning before I got up. She popped in my bedroom to say goodbye and give me a hug. We stayed up talking until midnight!

The time together always goes by too quickly, we feel like we never get enough time together, and we feel like we live to far apart, yet we are ever so grateful for these precious times together.

One of the cool things is that Loralea saw me exactly a year ago--when I had started to feel better--but was still much sicker than I am now. She just couldn't get over how much more mobile I am and how much better I am doing. She was so excited to see the change. It's also a good reminder to have someone else be able to see how profound the changes are and reflect them back to me.

Tovah did not want to peel herself away from Loralea during her whole visit! 

Last year, Loralea and I got a great beach day and outing. This time it rained all day, so we painted fingernails and toenails and talked and talked and talked and talked.

Loralea is one of my very favorite people in the whole world. She is one of the greatest gifts Davidson ever gave me.

I love you roomie!



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