Alaskan King Crab Legs with Jeannine! |
I definitely managed to stretch out my birthday celebrating! I think I may still be recovering! :)
After our Beethoven concert outing, I spent my birthday just chilling at home with Mom and the pooches so that I could take phone calls, open packages, read texts and email, open cards, and recoup from the concert. In the afternoon we were able to spend some time baking, which is one of my favorite things to do and something I haven't been able to do for a long time. We tag team, so that I can do everything sitting down. My day was about embracing the simple pleasures and the people in my life.
On Friday, Mom and I had really hoped to go to a state park to see the leaves, but the weather hasn't been too cooperative here. Instead, we drove to a small town about 45 minutes away, went to a new little art gallery there, and stopped at the cute coffee shop. By the time we left and came home, we were gone for about three hours. Another type of outing I could not have imagined even a year ago. When I woke up on Friday, Mom had placed a menu on a wipe board with outings to choose from. :)
I pushed it pretty hard the entire weekend, just desperately wanting to soak in life. I took a couple of days off from PT, counseling, massage, and other medical stuff just so that I could be with my family and friends.
Birthday Dinner! |
On Saturday, Dad and I had our outing to Barnes and Noble. I'm not sure Dad quite understood my overwhelming excitement over being able to go to the card and calendar sections where I was able to pick out wedding cards, baby cards, and my 2014 (!) purse calendar. Usually, these are things that Mom has to shop for and pick out for me. Just the freedom to do this myself felt amazing. We topped our afternoon off with coffee (pumpkin spice latte for me) at the Starbucks inside the store. That evening, at The GREATs, we watched some football. :)
By Sunday, I needed to chill, so I spent the afternoon engaging in the simple pleasure of writing Halloween cards to my nieces and nephew. Snail mail--another one of my favorite things to do that I've missed so much over the years. I had two pups and an old man to keep me company.
On Sunday evening, Jeannine came over for Alaskan King Crab legs that had been flown in FRESH to our Wegman's! Delicious. We had a lovely evening hanging out, and I sat at up at the table instead of in my recliner. For dessert? Gluten-free, dairy-free chocolate cake with mocha icing and Cool Whip. And I must say, even Mom and Jeannine enjoyed the cake, it was that good! This also means that my stomach has been cooperating more and more lately.
On Monday, Rebekah took part of Columbus Day off and we went OUT to lunch! Yes, OUT to lunch. At a place that makes gluten-free pizza too. I maxed out my upright time to do that, but I relished the ability to go out for lunch.
I topped everything off with a haircut on Tuesday.
At PT today, I complained to Ray that I was feeling pretty wrung out and tired. I wonder why?! :)
My birthday felt just right this year. I got to spend time with Dad and Abbie, Mom, and Jeannine in all the ways I most wanted to. I got to spend time with a friend on Monday.
And. All. Of. You. YOU. Spoiled. Me.
Thank you so much for the blessings, the love, the Facebook messages, the texts, the calls, the singing, the cards, the flowers and the gifts. Just today someone told me how amazing I am and how I inspire her. In return, I said that in reality, I'm immeasurably blessed in this life, in spite of the suffering.
My hope for this year? To continue to be able to enjoy the simple pleasures of family, friends, dogs, outings, television shows, books on CD, food, nature, blogging, music, and the many wonders of this thing we call life.