Photo: Double rainbow taken on the eve of Yom Kippur. Rest of post follows below...
Yes, I'm a bit behind (again!) on my blog, but hope to be up and running again soon. I'm also having a bit of technical difficulties with the picture and sorry for the two separate posts!However, I just had to share this photo with you all. This rainbow appeared on the eve of Yom Kippur. It stretched the entire sky, a COMPLETE rainbow creating an arch across the sky. Look closely at the photo, and you will also see that it was a DOUBLE rainbow. These are not common occurrences in our area. I felt God's presence and hope it is a sign of a good year in the book of life...I have discovered that the way I position my computer while sitting in my recliner is one of the biggest triggers for my neck pain. So, I've been spending time on the computer as little as possible, until we find a better set up.Dad and Abbie are working hard to come up with a solution and with their thinking caps and a bit of creativity I think we are on our way to a solution, but are waiting on some things we ordered to arrive.In the meantime, please bear with me! On the Lyme front, I had to discontinue to Malarone for a week or so. When I increased to two tablets daily (from one), I started having too many side effects--nausea, loss of appetite, upset stomach and extreme lethargy. We gave my body a week's rest, and restarted the Malarone--even MORE slowly this time around. So, I'm working my way back up. When I am taking it I DO see a change in my symptoms--less neck pain, better sleep, less ANS agitation, but I also find that it does make me very, very exhausted and weak. But, the benefits, at this point, as long as we take things slowly, outweigh the cons of not pushing forward with treatment. If I do, in fact have Babeisosis, this could contribute to some of the fatigue, as the bacteria is dying off.I have lots to update on when I am back in the swing of blogging...but for now, I'm leaving you with this photo.