After waiting more than 7 months for a haircut...I finally got a WONDERFUL haircut this week from my Iowa Aunt Jeanette! I feel so much better...I cannot believe how a haircut can lift the spirits. One of my first haircuts was done by Aunt Jeanette...so this took us down memory lane! I haven't been able to go get a haircut since before my gallbladder surgery, so this was a milestone on the road to recovery!
I have not been to Iowa to visit my relatives for over seven years. This week we were blessed by the arrival of a 'car full of Iowans'--my Aunt Jeanette, Uncle Howdy, Aunt Jean and Uncle Don! I asked Uncle Howdy to bring a baby pig and a helping of Iowa farm smell, but he didn't!
I have been taken a new medication to help control the pain and nerve stimulation in my neck. I have had less pain and more clarity and energy than I have had in months. It's amazing...and I'm keeping my fingers crossed as I get ready to start another new med on Monday.
While my relatives were here, I had the best few days that I have had in a VERY LONG time. It was amazing and such a blessing. I was able to enjoy their visit, while lounging in my recliner...with only a low level of pain and other symptoms. I'm still overwhelmed by how much energy I had and how much I was able to enjoy their visit...it was a much needed break.
The week was off to a rough start...with an ER visit, which my doctor kidded me could be an 'attempt to sabotage the family gathering'! I had the smoothest ER visit a girl could ask for...and even had our neighbor as my ER doctor! Luckily with IV fluids, two days of rest and lots of Jewish chicken soup I was up for company. My Aunt Jeanette said to Uncle Howdy, "I'm not leaving until I get to see Emily!" So, he was grateful that I started to feel better quickly! You can't take him away from the farm for too long!
I am just feeling so grateful for the 'good days' that I had, a fresh new haircut, LOTS of Iowa hugs, and lots of catching up with everyone. I cannot believe that they all made the journey to see me! Catching up and re-connecting was wonderful...
Welcome to my new little space on the Internet!
Later alligators!