"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops at all." --Emily Dickinson--
I asked for a framed print of this quote for my birthday. Our neighbor made it for me and it is GORGEOUS! If I can figure out how to use my NEW digital camera, I'll try to take a picture of it and post it on the blog!
As many of you know, I was having a very hard time with the upcoming big 3-0--not because I was upset about not being married or not having kids, but because I was upset at the prospect of thinking about starting off another decade so sick. I never imagined that I would still be sick this many years later--and in some ways sicker than I was seven years ago. I felt completely overwhelmed and was dreading my birthday...
So, instead I picked this quote by Emily Dickinson and asked for that as my birthday gift. And, I made the butterfly my new 'symbol' of hope. I am trying to turn it around that this is going to be my decade of HEALING. Let's hope...
I ended up having a beautiful birthday. I felt incredibly loved, which made it absolutely wonderful. I still felt lousy all day and especially all week afterwards--so, I didn't get the 'pain-free yuck-free day' that I was hoping for. I think a free pass on birthdays from feeling sick is in order...
First, on Saturday, a high school friend came over to have lunch with me. I sat in my recliner and we ate lunch together. I am finally learning to let go of trying to be a 'hostess with the mostess' when I am so sick...and I just focus on trying to spend time with visitors. Sarah packed her own lunch, did my lunch dishes and came over on my schedule! She started my birthday weekend off with a card and a BUTTERFLY Sculpy. I am so grateful for my friends accommodating to my schedule and needs, just so that we can be together. After about an hour,
I'm toally wiped for the day...so that was Saturday.
On Sunday, my mom cooked birthday dinner, since she had to work all day Monday. The menu included shrimp cocktail, hake, fresh beets, fresh corn...and BIRTHDAY CAKE! Yes, we found a company that makes gluten-free, dairy-free cake blanks. So, for those of you who know me...you know how much I always loved yellow cake with chocolate frosting! I got to have this for my birthday! It was sooo yummy--the first cake I have had in years!
Since there was no mail on Sunday or on my birthday because of Columbus Day...I saved all of my packages and cards that I had received throughout the previous week! So, after dinner I opened my packages...the funkiest, coolest stationary from my Cousin Day (with hopes that I will soon be back to doing one of my favorite things--writing snail mail). A book on cd and new jazz cd from my Uncle Stan. The book: Friends, Lovers and Chocolate...sounds good already, doesn't it? I also got a package in the mail from the Netherlands! A woman I met on my support group sent me a beautiful bracelet which I wear all of the time now as a symbol of our friendship--we're POTSPals, as I like to say.
All this excitement happened before I even turned 30 on Monday!
Sunday night, I could not fall asleep (nothing new for me, of course...) and at 1 am I logged on to my computer to my support group. And here was a post from one of my friends there wishing me happy birthday...she posted it just a few minutes before I logged on! People on my forum have continued to hold me up and support me in amazing ways...one sent e-card the whole week preceding my birthday, another found my address and surprised me with a card and letter.
On Monday, I tried to pace myself to save energy for dinner with Dad and Abbie. I spent the afternoon opening cards from everyone. THANK YOU ALL for all of the beautiful cards you sent! I have them up all over the place so that I can look at them. Your sentiments and great cards were just what I needed to make my birthday perfect. I also got to talk to Ang, Ted and Carrie...and answer the door only to find a delivery of two bouquets of flowers! I was so surprised! One bouquet ALL pinks and purples! And one of cheery daisies. Thank you Marla and Carrie! I couldn't believe that two of my senior year roommates both sent flowers, and from the same flower shop no less! It was a riot! I petered out and missed your calls...Hill, Sarah and Loralea. Loralea wins the prize for her singing of course! :) And hip-hip hooray for Ted because he learned my birthday isn't on November 2!
Dad and Abbie came over here to cook dinner. We had filet mignon! Let's just say, I ate well the whole weekend. I wish my health would follow my good appetite! Dad and Abbie went so far above and beyond to make my birthday special...I was really overwhelmed. They cooked dinner here, we opened presents...and I petered out. So, we had cake in my bedroom! Abbie sang the melody and Dad harmonized (attempted to) on Happy Birthday--wish I had the audio of that to post! We finished the evening with one of Abbie's pampering foot rubs. Yup, I'm spoiled. My big present was a digital camera--which I am so excited about...however I still need to learn how to use it. When I do, though, look out...b/c you'll be getting emailed pics in addition to my verbose mass emails!
I felt like the I got to celebrate my birthday all week because the mail just kept coming...THANK YOU to Dad's family for the shower of cards and gifts and phone calls. I was completely overwhelmed. And to Aunt Joan for the beautiful heart to Aunt Jeanette for the package of yummy smelling things and to Aunt Pat for the surprise phone call...And to all of my friends who showered me with love and cards too! Many of you picked such gorgeous, perfect cards and wrote such great notes...
With all of the love and blessings coming my way this week, I guess turning 30 wasn't so bad after all. Thank you so much for helping me to start this new decade off in a positive way. Now, I just wish my health would follow all the positive vibes you all are sending. To those of you I have yet to get an email out to thank you, I'm sooo sorry...this week has been another rough one in the health department. So, I wanted to update my blog to let you all know 'I'm here...just not too perky!'
I wanted to write this blog to let you all know how much you sustain me and touch my life...all of the love you continue to give me is amazing. I am really hoping that this is going to be the decade for healing...
Blessings and MANY thanks for making my birthday beautiful...