Monday, September 29, 2014

New 'Studio' Updates

Goodbye 2008 9 lb. MacBook Pro!

Some things at Dancing Light's Studio were getting a little old and a lot slow. As a result, I wasn't able to blog for a couple of weeks while I waited to purchase a new computer and have the data transferred from the old one.

I've also had a few glitches with blog posts publishing at the correct time. So, if you missed yesterday's Monday Dog Blog, here it is. As for the Dysautonomia post that came in your email boxes, that has been edited and changed. Sorry!

Goodbye iPhone 4s!

I also had a phone that wasn't keeping up.

Wow! What a difference!

When I did blog, I spent a lot of time just watching my computer 'think'. :P

This all was causing me to feel really cut off from the world and frustrated that sometimes loading photos from iPhoto to my blog could take 30 minutes. It took a lot of time and energy to do the shopping, getting set up, etc. so that's what kept me away for so long.

Out With The Old, In With The New

So, I'm really excited to be up and running again for October!


It's hard to believe how much technology changes in six years! My old laptop weighed in at almost 9 pounds. I love this new one, which at 3.5 pounds, I can easily carry around wherever I want it. The photos and screen clarity are a wonderful bonus. I don't even notice that the screen is so much smaller than on my previous device.

I do notice, however, how much bigger the new screen in on the iPhone 6 compared the the 4s!

So, I guess I like gadgets. Especially ones that work. I'm grateful and thankful to be able to upgrade to new technology that serves me well and helps me stay in touch with the world.

My next big step, which is slowly in progress, is working with my caregiver every other week to clean out the study, get it organized, put in a new floor, and finally hang photos and art on walls that were painted over five years ago! 

Things happen kind of slow here.

So, for now, I'm just really enjoying my new 'Studio Equipment' that works! :)



1 comment:

Rachel Lundy said...

I'm so glad you have a new computer and new phone! Waiting half an hour for a photo to load onto your blog is way too long! This will make blogging so much easier for you. Hooray! I'm glad you have some new and improved gadgets. They really do make life with a chronic illness easier.