Friday, August 21, 2009

Marcy, Coco and a Hummus Extravanganza

It's been far too long since Marcy and I have had one of our Hummus Extravanganzas! Today we had the hummus with fresh tomatoes and cucumbers from her garden. What a treat.

And she brought her newly adopted pooch, Miss Coco, to meet me. Isn't she cute?

I was determined to make sure Marcy and I had a Hummus Extravaganza and catch-up time while I am off of antibiotics so that I could enjoy our visit even more.

I struggle a lot with feeling isolated and like I'm missing out on my friends' lives because I'm unable to go visit them, see their homes, meet their children, go out places with them, etc. It means a lot to me that Marcy was willing to bring Coco with her today and to make the drive to see me. Plus she takes care of the lunch prep and clean-up. Mom provides her famous hummus.

As always the face to face girl talk was just what I needed. We always have so many things to talk about we don't know where to start!

Thanks girlfriend!


Photos: Marcy and Coco. Finally, you took the plunge and got a pooch! :)

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