Sunday, October 06, 2013

Monday Dog Blog: ATG, Spotted Bellies and Animal

Under The Dogwood: Gershwin, Tovah, and Asher

I caught A, T and G all hanging out together under a small shady spot this week. 

This guy needs to dress up as Animal from the Muppets for Halloween. Orange T-shirt, orange hair spray for his head, and a little drum set? Tovah Rose would be a princess. Of course. 

Creative peeps, tell me how to make this Halloween costume happen!

Rock Star

See the resemblance to Animal? It's all in the hair. :)

Spotted Bellies

This peaceful moment with the two of them lying side by side and belly up lasted about a minute before the wrestling kicked back in. We adore their spotted bellies.

Asher is having a rough week, to say the least. I've never seen him in this much pain. It's breaking our hearts. We've been encouraged to be patient as we try to find the right medication doses as well as wait for PT to help. I'll also be in touch with a veterinary acupuncturist who visits the home. Please send your good thoughts to our guy.

Happy Monday!



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