Friday, November 28, 2008

National Day of Listening

All this week, hosts of NPR's Morning Edition and Weekend Edition have been interviewing a parent or loved one about his/her life. It is in preparation for today, The National Day of Listening.

A National Day of Listening? What a wonderful idea! I love it! And it falls on the day after Thanksgiving.

In our house, I do most of the talking and leave my mom's head spinning half of the time. So, I thought I'd try during our ride today to ask her some questions about her life.

She pleaded the fifth! And told me I had to submit the questions in advance so she could have time to think about them! Exasperating! (And she wonders why I do all of the talking? :))

I guess I'm wondering:  Who would you like to interview today? And what would you like to ask them? Who do you miss now that you wish you had asked questions before they died?

I'd love to hear what you have to say!

I'm still hoping to ask my mom and dad some of these questions...and I'd love your ideas!


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