Sunday, June 04, 2017

Monday Dog Blog: We. Did. It! We Are Canine Good Citizens!

Two Very Proud Canine Good Citizens with Mommy

Hey! Guess what y'all?!

We are Canine Good Citizens!

As you can see, we are all super excited and proud of this milestone.

Not ONE, but TWO! :) 

What exactly does this mean? 

It means we passed 10 test items set up by the AKC:

1. Accepting a friendly stranger

2. Sitting politely for petting

3. Appearance and grooming

4. Out for a walk 
(Handler takes dog for a short walk including right turn, left turn, and stop.

5. Walking through a crowd

6. Sit and down on command/Staying in Place

7. Coming when called

8. Reaction to another dog

9. Reaction to distraction

10. Supervised Separation 
(Handler goes out of sight for 3 minutes)

Mommy was most worried about Gershwin passing the last item because he likes to be with her at all times. 

Tovah, Mom and Our Awesome Instructor (Beth) at Puppy Kindergarten 

Mommy found this photo from 5 years ago, when Tovah was just a baby girl. See the corner of a purple chair in the photo? That's a chaise lounge chair that Mommy would recline in during puppy kindergarten, while Mom and the trainer did most of the rest of the work. 

Mommy could only sit up short little bits of time to work on simple commands like sit or down.

When we attended those very first puppy classes, Mommy could not even walk to the part of the store where classes were held. We used The Rolls and then Mommy reclined in the chair while watching class. When I (Tovah) pooped out, I crawled into her lap to rest.

Can You Tell Mommy is Proud of Us? 

Last week, we ALL celebrated a victory together. 

What a journey we have been on together for these past five years.

For Mommy to be able to stand and walk us each through the course individually, plus do the training to get us here is a pretty big deal.

We are still waiting on what kind of special biscuits she's going to get us for are big accomplishment. 

Next up: An agility class this summer!

Happy Monday!


Tovah Rose and Gershwin

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