Sunday, June 14, 2015

Monday Dog Blog: When Mommy's Gone

Bad Hair Day for Tovah Rose!

Mommy and Kierny went out of town on their first trip together over the weekend. 

Mommy asked that Mom send some updates on how we were doing because she knew she would miss us a lot.

Mom texted the above photo to Mommy with the following caption:

"It's so boring since you and Kierny left me! I also am having a really bad hair day! Do you think I need some mousse?"

Sooooo Booooorrrrrrriiiinnnnnggggg!

Mom also let Mommy know that we got our kefir, that we missed her, that it was just too hot outside and well...

Where's Mommy? When is She Coming Home?

that we were just hanging out waiting for Mommy to get home because Mom is so boring.

We are very good communicators of our feelings, aren't we?!

Found a Dirty Sock!

Caption for above photo?

"Found Mom's dirty sock. At least that is fun."

So Exhausted

And for this one?

"So exhausted."

This toy I have here? It must be 10 years old. We are so neglected! I mean, we can't find a single good toy in those THREE laundry baskets full of toys. Seriously, Mommy.

We are so happy that Mommy is home, but we also are so happy that she and Kierny got to go away for a weekend! It's just that Mom can be kind of boring.

Happy Monday!


Tovah Rose and Gershwin

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