Friday, March 21, 2008

Hope-filled HillRaiser for Hillary!

One month from today Pennsylvanians will vote, making their choice for the democratic candidate for president in November 2008.

I have struggled to find ways, given my limited energy, to 'do my share' in helping to get Hillary Clinton elected.

I've decided to ask others who support Hillary to join me in helping to support her campaign in whatever ways you can. You can keep up to date on the campaign at http://www.hillaryclinton.com/.

I have decided to be a grassroots fundraiser through my blog and email.

I have been assigned a personal fundraising link. At the Team Hillary Action Center I can track all contributions made through this link. The link will be good indefinitely. Just click on this link to make your contribution! Voila! You've helped bring Hillary one step closer to the White House.



Please understand that I am only using my blog and email as a way to reach fellow Hillary supporters, not to pressure anyone into donating or to push my views on you.

I hope those of you who support Hillary will consider making a donation--even if you feel you can only give $10, it counts! As I heard on NPR last night, small repeat donors are making the difference in this campaign. You don't need to give big for it to matter.

We're part of Team Hillary and it will be fun for us to track our own impact on this campaign by seeing how much we donate as a team!

Please note: that as a team we will be able to track the amount of donations made, but I will not see your name so your donation and the amount you donated will remain anonymous.

Never in my life have I felt strongly about donating to a campaign. This year is different. Why? Because I feel that our country and the world need Hillary Clinton as president. On a personal level, I need Hillary Clinton as president

Politics have always mattered to me, have always been personal to me. I grew up watching the 6:30 news with Tom Brokaw and listening to my parents talk endlessly about current events, politics, and of course, the world through the lens of Sociology. Their passion for social issues, social change and social justice became a part of me also. I have always been passionate about who governs and how they govern. I have always been passionate about caring for our citizens and the citizens of the world.

Now as a person with a disability, I see even more clearly and personally the injustices in our society. I see my friends on DINET lose their homes, be unable to get the medical care they need, or relentlessly be turned down for SSI or SSDI. This year politics feel more personal than ever. I feel as if we have lost eight years of hope. I feel this most deeply in the areas of medical research and in terms of caring for our sick, but I also feel it with the Iraq war, our relationships around the world, our environment, our educational system, and so much more.

How we treat our sick and disabled citizens, health care, and medical research is unacceptable and unbearable to me. We need a president who will be a voice for citizens like me. No one should live or die because of their health care (or lack thereof). Period. No one should go broke trying to pay medical bills. Period. No one should have access to the best health care only because they can afford it. Period.

I believe:

That Hillary is the most qualified candidate to bring real change and 'real solutions'. Every time I hear her speak I am so impressed by her incredible depth, breadth, knowledge, thoughtfulness, and balance on every topic discussed. She makes me say: "Wow. I want her in the White House!"

That Hillary's impressive and extensive foreign policy experience and knowledge are the keys to repairing our relationships around the world. Do you hear my friend, Corina, cheering for her in the Netherlands? :)

That her detailed, yet realistic, approaches to the Iraq war, foreign policy, health-care, the faltering economy, education, the environment and other domestic issues will bring America back to being a respected and thriving nation.

That she will remember all of the most vulnerable and marginalized members of our society: women and children, the poor, the disabled, the elderly. She will, hands down, have the best policies for women, family and children our nation has ever seen.

That we know what we're getting with Hillary Clinton--flaws and all. I have always admired her grace and triumph over adversity over the many years she has been in public life.

That Hillary works across party lines and will unite our country. Even John McCain, for whom I have a lot of respect, has spoken of his respect for Hillary Clinton as a politician who works across party lines, works well with others, keeps her word, and works hard.

That Hillary is, in a sense, 'living change' because she has spent her whole life fighting to succeed as a woman. For those of you who feel that it's unfair to have a Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton 'dynasty' in America, I ask you to think of what most women in America do. They follow their husbands. Don't punish Hillary for allowing her husband to be president first. Evaluate her as her own person, as her own candidate.

That, as my Dad says: Opportunity effects Aspiration. If women and little girls see that something can be done, they are more willing to try to achieve it themselves. What will we tell our little girls? What will we tell our mothers who fought for women's rights?

That Hillary is one heck of a fighter and she will fight for all of us. As she said after the March 4Th primaries:

Some people were ready to count us out. But you and I proved them wrong, just as we have every time they tried to declare this race over prematurely. And we're going to keep showing them exactly what we can do.

We're going to do it for everyone across America who's been counted out -- but refused to be knocked out. For everyone who's stumbled -- but stood right back up. And for everyone who works hard -- but never gives up.

I identify strongly with this statement on a personal level. It is so hard to get up every day and fight for healing, fight to get better. Hillary is not going to give up on America or on you.

Please help me to help Hillary win BIG in Pennsylvania and carry the momentum all the way to the White House.

This link will be good indefinitely.

I cannot wait to see Hillary Clinton sworn in as President of the United States of America!

Thank you for your support!



P.S. Previous blog entries on Hillary are as follows. The first link will share with you even more of the reasons I am passionate about Hillary.

If not now when?:

Me in my Hillary Gear: http://adancinglight.blogspot.com/2008/03/hillary-gear.html

Mom in her Hillary Gear and campaigning for Hillary in PA (Hillary Gear is available at http://www.hillaryclinton.com/) There's lots of fun stuff!:


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